Registered: 12th Oct 03
Location: Lincoln.
User status: Offline
rite i asked this a while back n not alot of people responded, however i will. First of all if ure gonna go with summit like ripseed dont!!, it falls apart when u cut it. go with foliatec ive herd its pretty good. All u really need to do is toplace the mesh behind the grill holder (jus in front of the radiator, and mark out where ure gonna cut it. But another problem, u can either take the whole bumper off and then use the screw places to ifx on the mesh using large washers, or jus tie-wrap it onto the holes (ill post pics later). Then when cutting it u can leave it behind the old grill space but there will b slots where the old grill slotted in or u can place them into these slots ureself. it really isnt that hard jus a bit time consumin to cut the mesh, if all else fails go n buy a Kamei grill for about 95 quid.
Registered: 12th Aug 02
Location: North Yorkshire
User status: Offline
it is fiddly and can be annoying but out of a 15 quid piece of mesh i managed top and bottom grill on my post 97 bumper. I marked out the size then added a cm or 2 round the edge which i bent back a the sides so that it could be mastik'd in, also zip tied it at bottom to origional holes.