gasman dan
Registered: 8th Feb 06
Location: dudley, west mids
User status: Offline
takin mine out at the minute. got my new belt and tensioner but thought the engine mount was different and i would need a new one of those too. vauxhall reckon theres no difference between the non aircon and aircon models. can anyone shed anymore light on the subject? cars a 2000 sport (1616) cheers fellas.
Premium Member
Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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There is. I had the part number, but i dont now.
you can use the aircon one without the aircon half though.
gasman dan
Registered: 8th Feb 06
Location: dudley, west mids
User status: Offline
you mean the black plate the compressor bolts too? or would just removing the compressor be enough? cheers for the reply mate