Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: Scholar Green, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Just a quick question about starter motors. As i think the one thats on the car is broke or its wired up wrong.
The solinoid clicks to engage but the contacts dont seem to be working so its not letting the power through to do the starter. Although thats what i think is the problem. If i take the earth off then the starter winds but the solinoid doesnt click out.
Steve X16XE
Registered: 31st Dec 06
Location: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
It might just be stuck. Tap the solanoid (sp) when someone is trying to crank it over. If that fails, remote it and wire it straight to the battery to see if works then.
Steve X16XE
Registered: 31st Dec 06
Location: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Remove not remote! Stupid predictive TxT on my phone!
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: Scholar Green, Cheshire
User status: Offline
Already tried that. But its all sorted now. Had got a wire wrong.