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Using Wine to run windows programs, which is working fine. I can open the .exe from the Program Files folder thats created, but i've been trying to create a launcher on the desktop.
Tried this command: wine /home/gary/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/appdir/app.exe
Dont work
Also tried creating a link to the exe but that does not work either 
Any ideas?
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Take a look at this for more info:
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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Lot to read thru. Will have a play later
Start didnt work either
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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It's only section 4.1 that you need to look at mate.
I don't use WINE, I was just going by what was written in there
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
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Fair enough
Any other way to run windows apps in linux? Wine seems a bit buggy
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Whole system keeps crashing and giving me this screen....

Flashes from black to that...
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Sun VirtualBox
Set up a new box for Windows, install Windows plus whatever applications you want to use, job done.
Re. WINE - do other Windows programs work OK under WINE?
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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Just been downloading ramdon stuff to ttry it out/
Winamp works fine.
Some paint program failed.
Think ill try virtualbox seen as you have to have windows installed too.
Thought it was a bit weird that Wine could run a windows program without .net etc
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Registered: 24th Dec 99
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Ages ago I had VirtualBox installed on my Vista PC, and I ran Ubuntu on it to test it out before converting my server from XP > Ubuntu, worked fine for me no problems at all.
Was never really a fan of WINE for the reasons you've described TBH.
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BTW - go to the Wine AppDB to see which programs are meant to work OK or not.
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Downloading now.
Looked through screenshots and it looks pretty cool.
Will have a play tomorrow
Thanks for that
Registered: 26th Jan 03
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The programs you're trying to run via Wine... do you REALLY need them? Are there not any alternatives you can use which are in Ubuntu itself?
"Some paint program"... why? Use Gimp
"Winamp"... Plenty of media players on Ubuntu you can use (Amarok, Banshee, to name a few)...
I never understand the real need for Wine to run things in Linux when there are plenty of alternatives native to *nix...
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They were just shut I downloaded for testing it.
Only need it to run flash really. And prob Photoshop, but there's prob a good alternative for that.