Registered: 21st Mar 11
Location: North Lanarkshire
User status: Offline
hey guys iv go a very bad feeling
that the bolts i got with my ball joints are two small
to go on to bottem arm and tie bar/ anti roll
its a 98 n is it possiable that u could put like 96 lower arms on them
Registered: 29th Jul 07
Location: Warley, West Midlands
User status: Offline
if they came with the balljoint they cant be to small
Registered: 3rd Jun 08
Location: Ballycastle
User status: Offline
How are they too small? the nut for the end of the bolt goes into the lower arm, the bolt doesn't go right through.
Changing lower arms isn't going to make the bolts any longer is it? If there definitely to short just get longer bolts.