Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
Takeing my head bolts out in sequence got 7 out and snapped the head off 1 now i carnt get a socket it on it and the other 2 the heads are week what can i do to get them out
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
Location: Marlborough, Wiltshire
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What do you mean you can't get on the others? If you can get the rest out, the one that has snapped, should come out, once you lift the head off. Because it shouldn't of bottomed out.
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
Even if the head snaps off the other 2, the head will lift off over the top giving you loads of room to get some vice grips on them.
If they're too tight for that, weld a nut on, once the head is off obviously.
Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
The heads are left on with the washers I have snapend the where the tourqe socket goes on to the bolt ill get a pic uploaded
Registered: 6th Jun 09
Location: North East, Durham
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so uve rounded then torx off. just drill the heads off, lift the head off and get some mole grips on them
Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
Thanks mate what drill bit would i need as they am hardend steel just a normal metal drill Bit
Registered: 6th Jun 09
Location: North East, Durham
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just metal drill bit see how u get on, u cud try wacking a bigger torx into the tops of the bolts before youtry drilling them
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
User status: Offline
what engine are you doing this on, your x16xe?
Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
There is no heads left on them
N yh its on my 1.6 mate
Registered: 9th Oct 11
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What nm are the bolts support to be at when your putting them back on?
Registered: 13th Sep 10
Location: tipton west mids drives: corsa 1.6
User status: Offline
I dont know when putting bk on i have not read the haynes yet
I got the bolts out i drilled the heads it worked thanks for the advoice lads