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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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how long after the event do they have to contact you? its been 36 days since I weas caught, was
under the impression it was within 28 days?
i was doing double the speed limit, so expect a ban / fines / points, the whole shibang, but i need the car for work to earn money for food as my student loan only just covers my rent
any advice appreciated
i did make a thread a bit ago about this but cant find it
ta x
Registered: 19th Oct 06
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iirc as long as they've sent the ticket out with the correct time period, it doesn't matter if it takes months to go to you, you're still buggered.
Just got to wait and see. Sometimes the static cameras flash but don't have film in them so don't actually record etc so you may get away with it.
XE Col
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Registered: 23rd May 10
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14 days to send you a letter of intended prosecution iirc, then 6 months after that to send you the points/ban/court etc... If you get nothing at all in the 1st 14 days it all ok iirc... Someone may confirm
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
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not quite the same but if it makes you feel any better i got 3 points for something else that they forgot to actually put on my licence
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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it was 36 days and i was sat in a police van for 20mins, so no static camera involved
Registered: 1st Jul 08
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stupid question but point last 3 years right and come off your licence actual after 4 years does that mean you then no longer have to state for insurance purposes etc as you have a clean licence?
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Registered: 4th Jul 09
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Dando, it's five years till you don't need to tell the insurance.
How was it left, after being in the cop car Faz? If it was major like you said, I'd say you'll get a court summons, out of the blue. I had one before because I didn't produes my insurance doc, after falling off my 125.
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
Location: Coventry
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well it took 36 days for the court letter to reach my doorstep and the court
appearence is jan 23rd
read on the net 30mph over the limit is most likely an instant ban
but that will result in me losing my job and force me to quit uni as a job transfer cant be done ( i work at a franchasised out place)
wayne fox
Registered: 7th Feb 10
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well i done six month ban 2 year ago and it a years mate hope you dont get 1
Registered: 14th Jan 10
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if you can give a good enough reason they will give you a larger fine and no ban, you normally have to have a job where it involves actually driving and they only do this if its not much over the speed limit. i got banned for doing 35 in a 30 for 6 months but i had 9 points already, i told them i needed license to get to work they basically told me to get a bus.
Registered: 18th Jan 11
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^^^ same thing with me but i got banned for a month and a small fine. said i needed my liscence for my job which i do.
my points should be off now i think.
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
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i need to travel 100 miles each weekend for work, otherwise i cant eat and i will lose my job if i cant get to wrk, i.e. my 4am starts (no buses etc)
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
Location: Coventry
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i will also be forced to quit uni if i couldnbt work, as i cn only just afford rent on my student loan, after a slight mishap with a previous landlord, also wher eid end up living is out the way of public transport, so may have to resort to job seekers / benmefits, even though im able bodied and generally enjopy work
Registered: 15th Apr 11
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explain that to your lawyer good chance they will fine u and give you 9points i expected a ban for my crash at beginning of year was finally at court 3week ago even my lawyer said i wer gettin banned walked out with 6points and 540quid fine he told them i need car for work
XE Col
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Registered: 23rd May 10
Location: Rochdale, AKA:Boissy07
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Slightly different if it's no static camera mate I'm afraid, if you get pulled, your notice of intended prosecution is given to you there and then, they then have 6months to give you a court date or points etc.
You just have to go and plead your case, it's down to the judge to ban/give points not the police, so it's down to you to make a plead to him/her.