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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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basically im removing the head off my engine to look for damage after a missed gear and slight 9k moment with funny noises, ill be replacing the hea,d it uses a bit of oil and the water is going dark colours, so head gasket may be on the way out, or hopefully some one may have just puked in th eheader tank.........
to the point, if the head gasket is ok, will do a compression test, will i need the head skimming, I have had it skimmed ported and polished, its mapped etc and dont think i can get away with skimming it any more due to the cams in it and the higher compression ratio its running..... if i do need to skim it, can i buy a thicker head gasket and where from!?
James R
Registered: 4th Feb 03
Location: 205GTi16/306GTi16
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If you pull off the head, get a striaght edge on it to assess that it's flat or not. If it's flat then some WD40, and a sctchbrite pad (yes they sponsor me to say it all the time) to clean it off, then carb cleaner to de-grease it.
The Comp tests, make sure you do wwet and dry, the if you have a vlue which doens't imporve greatly then you are like to have knicked a valve or two.
So then the head comes off, remove the cames and lifter, then turn i tupside down, and fill the chambers with liquid (I'm a fan of mth's cause they are purple shows up nicely in the ports, and leave it over night. If any show liquid in to the port, then get the head stripped down.
Lap all the valves in, and note the trouble ones, it maybe just from filth or thos eloverly induction kits killing the seat. You're looking for an even area on the seat and valve where it's lapped and you get a flat clean metal look to it. if it's not then you need to check if the valve is bent ot the seat is in need of a re-cut.
If you find etherythign is ok, but it needs a skim, speak to novatech about a speccio (sp?) kevlar job, they come in a range of sizes, but when you have the head skimmed it will need to look like a mirror it's so flat, and the block will have to be damn clean aswell.
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Dec 02
Location: Drives: E39
User status: Offline
cheers dude! thats a big help man of knowledge!