Registered: 14th Feb 06
Location: Shavington, Crewe
User status: Offline
i know this might sound stupid but i'm just wonderin how much it would cost to have a x14xe refurbed and where i could have it done at?
anyone had it done?
i'm after a decent engine to build on, ie tb's, inlet etc ... i can't afford the insurance on 2ltr transplant and want to keep my car.
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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dont do it.
2 reasons
1) you'll always wish you just got an X16XE
2) it'll cost you so much, you might as well have just paid for insurance on a bigger engine.
Registered: 5th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Rides: Ninja 600
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if your going to tune the 14 or may aswell tune the 16..
same money, more power
Registered: 14th Feb 06
Location: Shavington, Crewe
User status: Offline
whats the insurance like on the 16xe?
descent 14/16xe's are pretty hard to come by though in standard form.
i just fancy keepin my car but want less mileage/more performance (91000miles)
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
Location: Northants Drives: Clio 182 Cup
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you can buy a fully reconditioned engine from vauxhall, on exchange for an identical one, for about 950 quid. but then youd want to spend about 3 grand at least to get a decent TB setup
but... think about what you could spend 4 grand on....
Registered: 14th Dec 04
Location: plymouth
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91k is nothing mate, my old x14xe is still going strong with inlet, cams, exhaust ect and is on about 165k... if theres nothing wrong with it why re-build it??
Registered: 14th Feb 06
Location: Shavington, Crewe
User status: Offline
165? wow ... i've just heard horro stories bout em and with the previous owner being a tool, raggin it for 2years and leaving me with bills i figured it'll be on its way out ...
950 from vauxhall ... i thought it would have been more
danny boyo
Registered: 15th Nov 02
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800 quid ive had mine done