Registered: 1st Apr 02
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I know a few people play (or did play) on here but I cant seem to find anything
So what I need to know is, what do I "buy" these days?
Back 4-5 years ago it was Half-Life then you downloaded CounterStrike and that was it
These days there are heaps of versions
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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i think you just need half life and download steam from steampowered.com.
im not sure tho as these days you get a login and password (which i think the hl disc is used for) and don't even need the cs disc.
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Registered: 1st Dec 03
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buy a 360 get COD3 and youll get loads of online mates
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
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I'd rather just get CS and play that but thank you for your input
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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if you look on vagweb there is a few of us thinking of setting up a CSS game
Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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you download steam off the internet and can buy it from that, its about 12 dollars or something, got mine about 3 months ago, just starting to get better on it. " lads i work with are setting up a server, should be ready in about 2 weeks.
I'm on warserver, office only, most days as Barry chuckle.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Yea i play a bit of this every now and again, easily one of the best shoot ups' going 
Like said, go on steampowered.com, download the little widget and sign up etc and from then on you can buy the new CS:Source version - i paid $20 (USD) for DoD and CS:S. DoD is pretty bloody good, but they've changed a lot with counter-strike in the new source version, so i stick to the old 1.6 version (can get it off ebay for a fiver these days)
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Location: Aberdeen
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Getting Counter-Strike just now £5 (from Steam)
Registered: 24th May 03
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i'll be up for a game on CSS my account name on steam is : johnsneak add me if u wish
Registered: 19th Jan 06
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phantom055 is my steam name, i play surf mostly.
Registered: 17th Jul 01
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i wana get this now as well......got a steam hack tho aha
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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t0dom if anyone is interested
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everyone keeps calling me n00b
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by J-Me
everyone keeps calling me n00b
I found that out. It's a definate clique environment and newcomers are rarely welcomed!
Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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quote: Originally posted by J-Me
everyone keeps calling me n00b
Just put shit like..... your point is? or change your name to. I'm only shit on cs because i have a life. etc.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: Aberdeen
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Had a good run tonight, but i think i was amongst newbies
I think alot of them take it too seriously
Registered: 19th Jan 06
Location: Stafford
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You are right, i found it best to join a server, and not say anything until i had been playing on the server for awhile. As i tend to play agaisnt the same people.
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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i used to play cs so much i had a knee operation and was unable to do anything for ages so got into it (worst mistake) and played it for like 4yrs, made some money off it though winning "tournaments" but then i quit a year and a half ago! Wasted many hours of my life on that game 
and your right, most of the cs community is full of 13yr old kids and idiots, who cry if you kill them and gloat if they kill you. Best thing to do is stay quiet and keep playing, if they moan that your "camping" then camp some more, whole fun of cs nowadays is to piss people off i think
Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
i used to play cs so much i had a knee operation and was unable to do anything for ages so got into it (worst mistake) and played it for like 4yrs, made some money off it though winning "tournaments" but then i quit a year and a half ago! Wasted many hours of my life on that game 
and your right, most of the cs community is full of 13yr old kids and idiots, who cry if you kill them and gloat if they kill you. Best thing to do is stay quiet and keep playing, if they moan that your "camping" then camp some more, whole fun of cs nowadays is to piss people off i think
haha so true. people moan about campers, can see it to some extent, ie camping all the round, but if people insist rushing about not covering where they have been then to me its part of the game to counteract this. I love the muppets that take it really seriously!
Once my mates server is up nad running i'll post the ip.
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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i still have steam installed on my pc but never play cs, last time i played was a good 12months at least. I might give it a bash with you guys if you go on got broadband installed in new house today so its all good
they rush because most people think they are awesome and can run around killing everyone! Theres a movie online somewhere and I feature in it, i'll see if I can dig it out! I regret starting CS many moons ago as it ruined me for a bit, but then don't regret some of the people I met who are my good friends now! I played with people I knew but we were all good, so we just used to play the lan tournaments just to win the prize money and split it lol. The fun went out of the game then