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  Subject Author Replies Views Last Post
MAYSTAR contact details bluecorsasteve 0 36
10th May 03 at 15:36
by bluecorsasteve
sum1 please help!!!! modded_corsa 3 80
10th May 03 at 14:12
by modded_corsa
door neons corsa_sport_white 4 159
10th May 03 at 14:07
by corsa_sport_white
i know its not a corsa but.... Wolfy 3 1334
10th May 03 at 14:04
by c0r5a_gsi
Pre Outs baza31 6 184
10th May 03 at 13:40
by baza31
BRAKE HELP PLEASE adelcorsa 1 829
10th May 03 at 13:33
by Rover Steve
TD Mod Rich- 0 45
10th May 03 at 12:51
by Rich-
Holden Badge Garnz 11 1990
10th May 03 at 12:40
by GSiGuy
Any1 here driving a automatic corsa? kenryso 5 163
10th May 03 at 12:21
by Plymouth_Corsa
ROLLCAGES beattie17 5 1193
10th May 03 at 12:20
by beattie17
Serious Modifications HELP karen.p 3 175
10th May 03 at 11:36
by MatG
FAO Colin S morty 5 158
10th May 03 at 10:29
by morty
10th May 03 at 09:50
by Demo
What power gains can i expect? Plymouth_Corsa 7 228
10th May 03 at 08:37
by and-m
jbl components? brummiesxi 1 149
10th May 03 at 04:29
by M4tt
are corsa b sub frames the same as corsa c? dannycorsa c 2 76
10th May 03 at 00:47
by 1_Litre_Porsche_Bea
Rear disk kit Miner 24 2839
9th May 03 at 23:17
by Pete
For Sale Ben 5 698
9th May 03 at 23:02
by Ben- (yorkshire)
clutch cable?? FLYING CORSA 1 378
9th May 03 at 22:57
by kev007
im poor so someone tell me sumthin. CopyWrite 6 205
9th May 03 at 22:52
by thunda
de cat psycho sport 3 81
9th May 03 at 22:37
by adelcorsa
EPC Question: Electric Window Motors (Again!) Mav 3000 11 712
9th May 03 at 22:29
by Mav 3000
just ordered........! rallye-slag 2 94
9th May 03 at 22:18
by rallye-slag
16's with 50profiles - put my speedo out exactly 8mph DODG-E 9 1304
9th May 03 at 21:48
by DJ Rocky
Spark Plug Gap size TeamKrazy 1 1113
9th May 03 at 21:14
by vauxtillidie
fao any1 who has takin out there speed clocks or changed dials.. Xs 6 2536
9th May 03 at 19:16
by Rob H
Punto headlight conversion. Pete__2 11 197
9th May 03 at 19:09
by STEvieN.I.
f50 bonnet vents Karnage Corsa 19 1753
9th May 03 at 19:06
by STEvieN.I.
EMS Reset UK_Sky 18 191
9th May 03 at 18:49
by Cursa
corsa c sri front grille blackula 15 6078
9th May 03 at 18:02
by fearless

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