Registered: 25th Nov 07
Location: Ormskirk
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Can this be done? I was told at college i could, this was for XP.
If so how can i do this?
Cheers xx
Registered: 29th Mar 01
Location: Im the real one!
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need to protect your porn and stop your mum borrowing it?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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If it's saved in your documents folder for your login then it will be password protected against other users accessing it.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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use truecrypt
Registered: 25th Nov 07
Location: Ormskirk
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STFU Cosmo you fag, stop following me.
Other people use my laptop all the time so they can access it then so i keep the password off that's why i want to protect my documents.
Thanks Dom i'll have a look at it now.
Registered: 29th Mar 01
Location: Im the real one!
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quote: Originally posted by LukeS
STFU Cosmo you fag, stop following me.
Its a forum with maybe 4 sub forums that I use regularly. Im hardly following you
Registered: 25th Nov 07
Location: Ormskirk
User status: Offline
You are 'cos you love me 
Dom how does truecrypt work, i looked at it but it doesn't seem to put a password on say "My Documents"
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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If you use your computer correctly then your folders would be safe. Use a guest login if needs be.
Registered: 25th Nov 07
Location: Ormskirk
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I let people use mine 'cos i cba installing everything again on a guest account for them.
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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quote: Originally posted by LukeS
I let people use mine 'cos i cba installing everything again on a guest account for them.
You don't have to. You install it once, unless you choose otherwise, it's generally available to all accounts.
It'd probably be less effort to add (or rather enable) the Guest account than you're putting in to passwording a single folder.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
TrueCrypt works by creating a volume (basically a virtual drive) that is encrypted, into a file. You then load that file, enter your password (and/or key - which can be a number of files or directories), and it mounts as a drive (looks just like a harddrive under my computer). When you finished, you unmount it.
It's a piece of piss to use and about the only way of keeping people out of your stuff. I'd create a volume and drag&drop anything over to it from you my docs that you don't want anyone to see. You could even set up the volume to mount during loading of windows, then get windows to use it as your My Documents area. Then if someone jumps on your system just dismount the drive or set it to auto dismount after a few minutes etc.