jon baker
Registered: 18th Jan 12
User status: Offline
hi me again! apart from my cd/radio probs. anyone any ideas why water is collecting somewhere behind the dash board? It appears to collect in a "reservoir" and pours out on accelleration again any pointers are gratefully accepted. The vehicle has been to a garage twice now but they cannot find thee problem cheers jon
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Registered: 24th Nov 07
Location: Coventry
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mine used to leak around the door selas and collect in both footwells, resulting ina rusted gearbox mount, soon welded up though
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Registered: 22nd Nov 06
Location: West Yorkshire
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Driver or passenger side?
Its its passenger have a look to the right of your battery there is a box containing relays etc. If this has been opened and hasnt been put back together right it will let water in.
If its not passenger have a look for other places along the bulkhead it may be able to enter, make sure everything is tight etc
jon baker
Registered: 18th Jan 12
User status: Offline
thanks for that will check , it is passehger side
Registered: 29th Aug 05
Location: East Ayrshire
User status: Offline
It's the box where the wiring loom passes through the bulk head at the n/s. you need to strip it out and resell it around the bulk head.