Registered: 24th Nov 08
Location: Kingswinford, West Midlands
User status: Offline
I have a 61 plate zafira company car at the mo. It had traction control then I started to notice that it started to get a bit unstable around corners and in the wet. I have to carry a fair bit of weight in it and the tc helped. I seem to have turned it off somehow or it has broken. I gave it some beans from standing and it just spins. I had a tracke
r fitted and tbh I think its only been doin this since then but it may be coincidence. anyone know if there is a switch, some sites I've looked at say you can't turn it off which is what everyone seems to want to do so I can't find a solution to turn it on. sorry for the essay, any help greatly appreciated. thanks.
Registered: 19th Oct 06
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
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If it was switched off, there would be a light on the dash to tell you.
If you had turned it off by accident, it would be on again by default when you next started the car.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Car shouldn't be unstable round corners unless you've seriously overloaded it.
Registered: 24th Nov 08
Location: Kingswinford, West Midlands
User status: Offline
its only got chocolate in, it weighs a bit but its not like rubble. I have to drive a lot of cambered country roads and it wasn't an overly stable car before. The light used to flicker on when the traction control was in use, I could peel out now and it wouldn't come on. Could the guy who fitted the tracker have blown a fuse?
[Edited on 22-02-2012 by GTM]
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Registered: 16th Dec 02
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As said, the light would be on.
Registered: 18th Dec 11
Location: Peterborough
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Does the light come on when you turn on the ignition? It should do, if not then it may have been disabled.