Registered: 27th Mar 06
User status: Offline
OK, not quite sure if this has anything to do with the ICV but its kind of linked to it, so had to be in the title 
Well the problem is, while my car is running, if I rev the engine a little then dont touch it, as the revs decrease and get to normal, the revs carry on decreasin so its like going to stall, n engine shakes a little more than usual (rev needle goes half way under 1000) then back up to normal just under 1000.
I mean this might just be normal but its really annoying, n once, it stuck well under 1000 revs for bout 20 seconds, its like it wants to stall.
Not a clue if it has anything to do with the ICV, but has anyone any idea?
Also, I cant usually start my car unless I apply some revs for some reason
Thanks people
Edit: Also, sometime, if I leave the car running without touching it, the revs sometimes increas a few hundred then back to normal, this is also why im thinking its ICV
[Edited on 30-03-2006 by freestylerx]
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
Get it tested by Vauxhall, don't waste your money on any new parts because somone off of here has told you to do so.
However, a sticking ICV can be cleaned out - search on here and i'm sure you will find something that will help you.
Registered: 27th Mar 06
User status: Offline
Thanks ed, I wasnt about to purchase anything anyway, its not a major problem at the moment I dont think, but I've seen on here how to clean them, but wasjust wondering if this sounds like its actually anything to do with the ICV
[Edited on 30-03-2006 by freestylerx]
Registered: 20th Jun 04
Location: Hesketh Bank, Lancashire
User status: Offline
It sounds related to ICV, but if the management light is on, as Ed said just get a garage to read it and see what is at fault. Thats what the light is for and why the ECU stores fault codes.
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
User status: Offline
sounds like icv.
dont take it to vaux to test it, all they will do is a diagnostic and 9 times out of 10 an icv fault wont show up. get it out, clean it (and the throttle body) and it should be fine.
Registered: 27th Mar 06
User status: Offline
Well if you think it is related to the ICV I will have a go at cleaning it tomorrow, but no, there Engine Managment Light is not on
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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I have the same problem, all my other symptoms relate to the icv so id say its def related.
Registered: 2nd Aug 02
Location: Romford
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Don't 4get the obvious - i had this same problem gettin worse and worse for 2 years, finally cleaned the throttle butterfly with carb cleaner and it went.
Registered: 27th Mar 06
User status: Offline
Right, well I cleaned it all today, and now the problem is worse.
The engine definatly wont start unless I applu revs and when I dont apply revs then engine stalls straight away. I have tried cleaning it again but no matter what, the engine stalls unless there are revs being applies.
Have I broke it ?
Dave A
Registered: 10th Dec 03
Location: County Durham
User status: Offline
did you wind the icv plunger back in before re-fitting it? if not then it could be stuck.