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Author e-Signatures in documents
Kyle T
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Registered: 11th Sep 04
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30th May 14 at 14:31   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

For years at our main site in the UK, we've been running that carbon paper stuff through laserjet printers so that a signature pushes through to three copies of a document/permit.

We're deploying three new production plants in the US now, and I've got an opportunity to maybe modernise a few processes.

The permits they're producing are all Word templates, the operator fills them in, prints out to three copies and then signs the top one and the carbon stuff does it's job from there. One copy is kept in the permit office, one goes on site for the job... who knows where the last one goes

A thought struck me when I was picking up my latest rental car from the airport, why not use those electronic signature pads and sign them before the documents ever get to the printer? That way they can use whatever paper they want, and whatever printer they want.

Did a rough bit of googling, seems it's a legally binding signature in the United States (which is where our new sites are) and found an e-Signature "pad" thing on Amazon for less than $100. Seems like a winner to me.

Only thing I'm not sure on is the Word integration. You can insert a "signature line" in Word which, once signed will "lock" the document from further changes without removing the signature first - which seems good. When entering a signature, you've got two choices - either type your name, or insert a .jpg or something.

I could have each operator enter their signature and save it somewhere, then each time just point to the .jpg - but I'd feel better if they had to sign it each time using the e-pad instead, seems more proper.

Anyone using this sort of stuff in any kind of deployment, and can offer any advice? I'm gonna go ahead and order the epad reader from Amazon and have a play, but I'm sure someone on CS has played with this before.

Lotus Elise 111R

Impreza WRX STi

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30th May 14 at 14:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Can you use the Macro facility in word to automate getting the signature each time?

It sounds like the obvious process to have so would expect someone to have coded for it
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30th May 14 at 16:11   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I haven't done it but surely a word macro is the way forward. Once signed it is printed and saved and when it's opened the signature disappears?

Registered: 24th Aug 03
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30th May 14 at 18:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

We had a similar issue in work where a PA wished for a directors signature to be made into a .jpg to avoid the director having to constantly sign documents of spends.

What the PA failed to notice was how fraudulent and improper this becomes.

In your case, I'd have them sign one peice of paper, scan in the form (with signature) and email the sheets to whomever they need to.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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30th May 14 at 19:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You could potentially use PDF forms as that supports electronic signatures and i believe you can convert Word docs/templates, can't say i've tried it though.

Edit - In fact, doesn't Word already support electronically signing documents? I'm sure there is an option under 'Review'

[Edited on 30-05-2014 by Dom]
Kyle T
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30th May 14 at 19:19   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dom

Edit - In fact, doesn't Word already support electronically signing documents? I'm sure there is an option under 'Review'

[Edited on 30-05-2014 by Dom]

It does aye, as I said in my post.

You can insert a "Signature Line" and that basically locks the document once signed. If someone wants to edit the document, they need to "unsign" it first.

When you click on a signature line, you've got two choices for signing it - either just type your name, or insert a JPG.

If they want hand written signatures, which they do - they could have each operator have a JPG saved with their signature in it, so they just attach that - but as said by Gaz that's easy to fake, just user somebody else's JPG.

What I want is for them to click the Signature line, then use one of those handwriting tab things to sign it on demand. I've continued my googling today and found a pad that comes with some software which is basically a Word addin, and seems to do pretty much what I want.

Lotus Elise 111R

Impreza WRX STi

Registered: 24th Aug 03
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30th May 14 at 20:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

But does that electronic device & software become more expensive than your current set up?

It's all very well becoming paper free but costs can spiral

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